The Art of War Book by Sun Tzu | Review Of San Tzu's Book ( 孫子兵法 )



          By SUN TZU

Art of War Book by Sun tzu 孫子兵法

A Chinese military treatise dating back to the Late Spring and Autumn Period,
San Tzu’s the Art of War book ( 
孫子兵法 ) describes how to wage war.

It consists of 13 chapters and is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu.

Sun Tzu art of war Book Review:

I read and marveled at page after page.

San Tzu Art of War is a mine of wonders.

Since I am not a war or army person, perhaps the book struck me as an impeccable guide to life management, business, leadership, politics, diplomacy-bureaucracy.



Be it wrong, Sun Tzu seems more modern and relevant than Machiavelli and Chanakya.



San Tzu's goal was to win the war.

You can adapt his advice to your favorite subject.
I am interested in leadership.
I'm done with it.
2500 years ago, such advanced thinking is




Sun Tzu art of war

Liked at first, as a classic example of delegation of power.

It is the decision of the state to assign responsibility to someone.

But the responsible leader must be fully empowered to decide how the work will be accomplished.

No need to be a supervisor /

Being controlled by an advisor defeats the real purpose.

The power of a king or sovereign to nominate generals on the battlefield,


Beyond this, the war will be conducted by the acumen of the general.

There is no more satanic than sitting on the throne and issuing decrees to conduct war.


sun Tzu art of war best quotes for me

A true leader does not fight for his own honor, ego, profit.

He fights for victory, for the king.


Subordinates will take advantage of themselves by ensuring all the facilities, including food and shelter, like their children.


Subordinates would blindly rush to death for him to win.


sun tzu art of war best words-

A true leader is an ocean of kindness on the one hand and ruthless on the question of discipline.


Disobeying subordinates' commands, getting confused, factionalizing,

Weakening by expending energy in unnecessary places,
Low morale – their leader is solely responsible for everything.


To win a war Author Sun Tzu said in his book-

A leader has many ways to win, the surest way is to tell his people, there is no turning back, either live or die.



Another masterpiece words from Sun Tzu books-
The enemy should always keep an escape route instead of attacking from all sides.


In this they will escape with little danger,
on the other hand,
if there is no way to escape,
they will plunge into a difficult battle and make it difficult to win the war.
Attacking the enemy after fleeing is inappropriate.


Another masterpiece lesson from Sun Tzu books-

Again, one should not start a war near one's own home,
it will cause homesickness among the soldiers and will lead to desertion.

The opponent cannot be allowed to fight on his favorable ground, angry in many ways


Confrontation must be made,
then a sudden attack from an unexpected direction must be taken to snatch victory.
Place your troops on the slopes,
Victory cannot be won by fighting from below.

Sunlight during camping should ensure the troops stay strong and healthy.

San Tzu’s Best words it is I think-

Conquering a hundred kingdoms by war is not valor,
but one victory without war is true valor.


Staying unscathed and invincible depends on the strength of defense,
winning requires strong attacks.


Find the weakest point and launch the strongest attack there.

Normal force or troops are used to keep the opponent busy,
extraordinary skillful troops bring victory.


Another true quotes from San Tzu’s Book

The number of soldiers does not bring victory,
the leadership,
prudence of the leader brings home the victory.



Divide and rule we think is a British invention.
Sun Tzu told the British to isolate the enemy camp in various ways to win the war long ago.


Socrates said, know thyself. In contemporary times,

Sun Tzu said, know thyself, know thy enemy. Read the opponent thoroughly, don't engage in battle without knowing them properly.


It may not be useful to seek the help of neighboring states only if you are in danger.

Rather, they should strengthen their good relations through various gifts and exchanges at the right time.

Otherwise, they can attack and take over if they sense the danger.
They cannot be intimidated in any way.
Even if an enemy attack does not seem imminent,
it is always important to be prepared, being prepared maintains the order of the army, and does not risk fighting by hastily collecting troops and supplies.


Modern espionage has no idea how many types.

Sun Tzu says there are five types.

Asked to extract intelligence from enemy country or area and use him as native intelligence.

Any soldier, officer or manpower from the enemy camp can be used as an inside agent with the lure of good gifts and privileges.

Knowing the spy of the enemy, he was lured and asked to be used as a double agent.
Create your own false agent with false information


Expendables agents deliberately caught in the enemy camp and fooled the opposing camp.

That's smart in any situation

Spies are living agents who can bring information about enemy camps in any situation.

It is impossible to build a good army without proper intelligence.

San Tzu’s Book Review Conclusion:

However, we are not concerned with wars, battlefields, enemies, soldiers, generals, kings.

Rather, the book should be read with such words as metaphors.

Then find relevance. You don't actually have to force the metaphor into your mind,

Only some kind of reading will match the current reality and requirements.


To give an example,
"When the enemy shows strength by shouting and shouting at night time of rest,
it should be understood that they are in great fear, acting like this to avoid fear".


The book is full of masterpiece quotes.
You all should read this to know how to win a war smartly.




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