Ikigai 生き甲斐: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life | Book Review


                                    Ikigai ( 生き甲斐) 'the secret of life book'
             “Book by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia”

Prior to start summary/review of this book
I would like to share my personal rating of it as
4.9 out of 5.
You can be more successful, honest, and relaxed.
Less stressful, healthier, and happy. Here is how.

Short for a Japanese word “ikigai”.
'Ikigai' means 'reason for living'.

You decide how much your life is worth, and that is only possible when you know why you are alive?

If you know the answer to this question, then you will understand yourself, where is the value of your life.

And if you could survive for a long time by doing what you love to do the most, how would it be?

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia and Mirales is a very popular book.

It has sold millions of copies worldwide.
 From the book it is known that a person lives by what motivation.

1.5 MILLION+ COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE and have 38,440 reviews on Amazon.


Every human being needs to have ikigai in their life.
But the difference is that some find their own ikigai, and many find their inner purpose.

And the formula used by the Japanese in this search is-

"Whatever you do, don't stop!"


One of the beautiful aspects of this book is to show the healthy lifestyle of the people of the island of "Okinawa" in Japan.


To lead a healthy, beautiful, social life, they prioritize practicing mindfulness, nurturing friendships, working for themselves, mindfulness (praying, walking, swimming).


Q: What is your purpose in life?

Or what is the meaning of life to you?


The book Ikigai is basically written about the Japanese secret to a long and happy life.
Many people in the world are living aimless lives.
They don't know the meaning of life.
He does not know the real purpose of his life.
Frustration and depression are closely related.


However, this book talks about a nation in Japan who live a long time.
Sadness, unhappiness cannot easily touch them.
It is based on Ikigai.
Because they know how to make life meaningful.


An announcement from this Longevity City—


“Though 80 years old, I am still a child

When I see you at 90,

Will drive me until I reach 100.

The older, the stronger;

Do you have to rely on your child when you are older?”


In fact, the author of the book has tried to reveal the secret of their survival for so long.

Here are 10 secrets of happiness.

1. Always stay on task

2. Don't rush

3. Do not eat on a full stomach

4. Good friends and family

5. Be stronger for the next birthday

6. Always be cheerful

7. Connect with nature

8. Give thanks

9. Live in the present

10. Live your life according to your "Ikigai".



Microflow: Enjoying everyday tasks

What happens when we are told to do laundry, mow the lawn, or do paperwork?

Is there a way to make these daily tasks enjoyable?


Bill Gates washes dishes every night.
He says—he enjoys it—that it relaxes his mind and helps clear his mind, and he tries to follow some guidelines
he's made for himself every day to make things better
like first the plate, then the fork, and then like this.


These are just a few moments of his daily microflora.


Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists of all time.
He also found joy in the mundane routines.

Accept the negative experiences we face in life, those that cannot be changed.

Try to change the things that can be changed.
Whatever you do, do it with full concentration.
Enjoy doing it.

 You don't have to regret the future or the past if you make the present meaningful.
In fact, everything in our life is present.

So, what is the use of worrying about the day that has passed or the day that has not yet come?

 Over time you will lose many friends, many relationships may be destroyed, these are not accidents.
It is very normal. accept


Reading this book will take you to the world of happiness. There is no sorrow in the world.
The book has become the art of life.

 It will definitely help to eliminate bad habits in your daily life.

You will find the meaning of life.

Now it's up to you to decide to read the book to live a life of relaxed happiness!

Whatever I will say to the readers –

If you are someone who always wondered about the secret to long, happy and organized life, this book is all about it and more.

It is written in an easy language and is very precise

You won't get a chance to read too many books in one lifetime, so instead of wasting your time buying and reading useless books, you should read the best books.

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Ikigai 生き甲斐: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life | Book Review.

-The book is written by Hector García and Frances Miralles.

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