The Da Vinci Code Book Review | Author Dan Brown Products I Can’t Live Without



                The Da Vinci Code”
                           -Dan Brown

Da Vinci Code Book Review

Book: The Da Vinci Code (
Da Vinci Code Book Review)

Author: Dan Brown

Original Language: English

Publishers: Doublet (US) and Bantam Books (UK)

Publication date: March 18, 2003 (US) and July 1 (UK)

Genre: Religion, Romance, Crime, Mystery Novel

Number of Pages: 430

And Firstly I would like to share my personal rating of this book as 5 out of 5

The Da Vinci Code is one of the best-selling books of all time.
And have 10,986 reviews on Amazon.

Published in 2003 till 2009 it has sold 80 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 45 languages.

The Da Vinci Code,
the sequel to Angels & Demons by Dan Brown,

was released on May 19th 2003 and turned out to be an international hit.

Tom Hanks even starred in the film adaptation so that’s something. In celebration


I got all the mysterious events and some strange information. One of them is this information.

Langdon decides not to share the most surprising information about the Pentacle—the true nature of the image of Venus.
As a young astronomy student, Langdon was surprised to learn that the planet Venus changes position in the sky every eight years in a perfect Penta color pattern.

This event so amazed the ancients that they made Venus and the Pentacle a symbol of beautiful, perfect and sexual love.

To honor this magic of Venus, the Greeks instituted the Olympic Games every eight years.
Few people today realize that the current quadrennial Olympics are actually half a cycle of Venus' orbit.

Even fewer people know that the five circles that became the official symbol of the Olympics were actually replaced by five stars at the last minute—the five stars of Venus were replaced by five circles to create a symbol of the true spirit and harmony of the modern Olympics.

Let’s jump into details-
The story begins
with the death of the curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

But the mystery remains in that death.
He died leaving a strange sign and code.

Where the name of the symbologist Robert Langdon is written.
The full responsibility for the murder falls on him.

 Help Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon.
A woman police officer comes forward to do it.

Abhijan begins to prove himself innocent.
They get involved in a huge conspiracy.


The secret of a thousand years was hidden by a secret society.
 Famous people like Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton,
Victor de Hugo have been keeping the secret as members of
the secret society.

The secret is hidden from the four heads of the secret society.
 All four of them are killed together in the same night.

The murders are done with the aim of revealing the secret that has been hidden for thousands of years.
Not given. Labyrinth is left to reach the secret.

Why is the secret truth that has been hidden for thousands of years being nurtured through secret society by people like Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton?


The story revolves around the changing of the secret. And the symbologist Robert Langdon is involved in the incident.

However, the involvement of the symbologist in this case is not a coincidence, but he was deliberately involved in the case by
the grandmaster of the murdered secret society.

A lot of obstacles, puzzles, cryptography and codebreaking.
The quest to uncover the truth continues.
The quest to find the Holy Grail begins.

His journey begins with a breath-taking journey of code breaking.

Accompanied by the beautiful cryptographer Sophie Neveu.
 Who is this young French woman?


The Priory of Sion, a secret organization dating back to the time of Jesus Christ, was associated with many famous historical figures.
People like Botticelli, Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Leonardo da Vinci.

This organization has an ancient keystone.
It contains information that, if revealed, would undermine the
 very foundations of Christianity.

What is that information?


Opus Dai, a modern-day radical Christian organization,
seeks to seize the Key-Stone.
A huge white woman with white hair and pink eyes kills Seneca one by one.



What did the Knights Templar find in Solomon's Temple?

Is that something so powerful that Vanican can be blackmailed?

 What is the Holy Grail?


What sign is hidden in Da Vinci's famous Last Supper painting?

Was Mary Magdalene really married to Jesus?


Read this thrilling novel to know.
Enjoy the excitement and surprise over and over again.


Note: The author claims that all the works of art, architecture, documents, and secret religious rituals described in this book are absolutely true.

Reading Response:
Mysteries peek through the door of thought without permission time and time again.

Breathtaking, pulse-pounding words go with it.
The informative knowledge of art, history, and science
that comes from reading this book is not a waste at all.

10 Best Quotes from ‘The Da Vinci Code’ Book-

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