Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist Book Review | The best book of all time


The Alchemist
     -Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist (Portuguese: O Alquimista) is a famous novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho,
 first published in 1988. It was originally written in Portuguese and has been translated into at least 80 languages as of October 2014.
The Alchemist is an allegorical novel in which the protagonist is a young Andalusian shepherd.

A few target copies were sold instantly.
A book that has ‎92,046 current reviews on Amazon,
has sold a million copies.

I like the novel very much. I think there is a lot to learn from the novel. So to know the new life you should read it.
My personal rating is for The Alchemist 5 out of 5.

Paulo Coelho is undoubtedly a prolific writer of the 21st century.

Certainly, the creativity of his writing has developed over the past 50 years, but his wisdom and rationality have undoubtedly established a strong position today.

Today, people are trapped in a lifestyle of consumerism and progress.
 People tend to forget that they have a spiritual side and cannot walk away from their soul if they want to.
And whether we know it or not, we love to indulge ourselves in artifice.


Paolo, possessing immense knowledge, brought us a complete storehouse of knowledge known to all of us as “The Alchemist”.
This book highlights some very important aspects of philosophy of life.

His wisdom and his strong positive mindset brought us some beautiful things.
Which proved that books are not only for entertainment but also play
a huge role in life philosophy and life change.


Usually, we read books to pass the time.
 In many cases, reading books is for gaining knowledge.

 But in fact a book, which helps one to lead a life philosophy and life more
 successfully, that book can undoubtedly be defined by no other
name than a book of knowledge.

Today I will tell you some life philosophy or teachings from Paulo's famous book “The Alchemist” that will help you to improve and complete your life.


1. Fear is one of the obstacles in your life. Fear is a more dangerous obstacle than any visible obstacle

The pain of fear is worse than any pain to fight with yourself. No success can be achieved without suffering in life.
If you don't seek success, you will never find it.
With faith in God, put aside fear and go out to find success.


Fear works in us about anything unknown.
But at the same time welcoming anything new inspires us to work with enthusiasm.
We have to believe that, as humans, it works very well for us to adapt to any situation while learning something new.


So, welcome the new without being afraid of the unknown.
At the same time, instill in yourself a desire to conquer the fear and overcome the adversity to achieve success.


2. Truth always wins

If you always give importance to the truth in any situation,
even if someone misunderstands you, he will come to you at
some point realizing your truth.

In the same way, if you temporarily give too much weight to a lie like a very small and fleeting ray of light, then know that if someone misunderstands you, your temporary right will not last long.


Truth can never be reshaped. Truth is always more valuable and powerful.
And so, whenever you search for the right decision, always give more importance to truth.

Also committed to being truthful with others at all times. Because, only truth will serve you as the only effective means to get rid of any problem.
 And no matter how negative the situation is, don't resort to lies.


3. Eliminate boring things

When every day of one's life is the same,
it means that one forgets that every day there is a wonderful new
thing in one's life and that is that every day a new sun rises and new possibilities are awakened.


That is, life cannot be made boring in any way.
Every day around us are new possibilities, new things happening all the time. Remember that boredom is a silent killer.

When you can't find any joy in your life or find something new to do,
 it means you have lost all interest in your life.


Losing interest in any work means that you have no energy left to move forward with something new.

If you think about it a little deeper, it is very scary that when there is no vitality left in us to do something new,
then we do not see any new success.

And so, remove the monotony from life, welcome change,
 try to keep your interest with new activities.


4. Embrace the present

Not in the past, not in the future, always try to live in the present.
If you always focus on your present moment,
you will undoubtedly be a very happy person.


Remember, your existence is here and now.
That is, if you don't give importance to your present, then a bright tomorrow will stand dim in front of you.

Because neither the past nor the future will bring you any results overnight,
 then if you dwell on the future then your tomorrow will not be beautiful.


Remember, if you want to make tomorrow beautiful then you have to give importance to the present.

There is no point in dwelling on the past, because thinking about the past will only give you anxiety.

 On the other hand, Aakash Kusum imagining what the future holds will take you away from the real world.
And so, give more importance to the present.


5. Success has a ripple effect

When you struggle, improve yourself, everything around you seem better and better.
That is, when you want to see yourself at the pinnacle of success in
your efforts, you will notice that you are accepting everything
around you positively.


At the same time, you feel better than ever, that is,
our desire to succeed not only gives us a better life,
but also improves our outlook.

So that we can perceive everything around us positively.


Remember your change is your own evolution.
That is, when you want to change yourself, you will also learn to change the things around you.

And so, adapt yourself to new tasks. At the same time dream high to make yourself successful.
You will see that everything around is changing with your success.


6. Be clear

Whenever we want to make a decision, we are faced with a situation or decision that we have never thought of before.
That is, many types of situations can come before us in decision making. But trust me,
delaying or overthinking your decision will not only make your decision more fruitful,
 but the decision making may seem like a lot of trouble.


If a clear attitude supports you in taking a decision, then definitely take that decision without delay.

 That is, before taking any decision, awaken your conscience as well as your clear attitude.

Ask yourself if the decision you are about to make is worthwhile at all.
 And if that doesn't work out, avoid that kind of decision and move forward boldly.


7. Unleash your imagination

Don't limit your imagination in any way, but let your imagination run free.
To imagine more freely When you can freely imagine your future,
you will be able to live a more successful and happy life.


One of our problems is that we sit still while imagining.
 I think, "What's the use of imagining it? It won't happen again!” But if you don't dream big, you won't achieve anything big.

 If you don't let your imagination run free, it will be difficult for you to achieve great things.

And so, unleash your imagination.
Imagine yourself.
Then you will have the desire to make that fantasy a reality.


8. Keep trying to turn around

The motto of success in life is to fall down seven times and stand up eight times.


Never surrender, never lose. Your faith will determine your success. And so, no matter how many problems you face,

no matter how many dangers are ahead, if it stands in the way of your success,
you must have the strength to turn around within yourself.


Remember, no success will come to you if you sit at home.
 That's why you have to fight.

You will fall again and again but you have to get back up.
If you want to be successful in life, believe in yourself.

Have faith, no matter what the problem is, you will turn around. Don't expect others to believe in you all the time.
You have to keep your faith in yourself.


9. Follow your own path

If you don't have a clear idea about yourself, if you don't have a path made by yourself,
how long can others trust you?

We all have some wrongs, know too much about others, know too much about others' ways.
But I can't know which way I want to walk.


Others will share their experiences with you.
Of course, it's good to know about someone else's experience.

By doing so you will gain knowledge on how you can more
smoothly navigate your own path.
But remember you must always walk your own path.
Capitalizing on other people's beliefs or other people's dreams will not get you very far.


If you put your energy in the way of others, you will be powerless again and again.
And so, learn to follow your own way better than the way of others.

 Also try to know yourself, what path you really want to walk, gain knowledge about how that path can be made smoother.


To walk your own path, you often have to prove your point of view right in front of others through criticism.
And so, try to know your path well and try to walk in your path.

10. Try to be someone who initiates action and not just talk

One of the ways to gain experience and learn new things is to try.
There are many among us who just say, they will do this, they will do that, but they cannot start.

Don't join them by yourself. Instead, try to do whatever you said you would do.


Or try to take any initiative yourself.
Trying something different will expose you to new experiences every day. Man's greatest achievement is his experience.

You may try and fail, but believe that your failure is a kind of success.

Because nothing happens to those who don't try, but you can write the experience in your book of achievements.


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