Eat that Frog Book Summary | Book Review | Daily searcher


Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy

Eat that Frog Book Summary | Book Review | Daily searcher

Book Name: "Eat That Frog"
Author: Book by Brian Tracy
Published: 2001
Personal rating: 4/5
Amazon Review:  5,054 global Reviews.
Genre of Book:
Self-help book


Book Eat that frog summary:

A close metaphor may be 'killing a cat'.

At various stages in each of our lives, numerous cats of various kinds enter, generate, and inhibit the passion for action.

In order to succeed in career and life, the right cat should be killed at the right time, or the cat should be chased away.


'Eat that frog', eating a frog or killing a cat is very important.

That which becomes a mental obstacle in our way to start something new, to fulfill our goals, to succeed in our career, personal life is a 'frog' or a 'cat'.

Following some tried-and-tested methods or approaches to overcome these obstacles can lead to success.


For some, this obstacle is only alchemy or long-term.

For some, lack of courage to start, indecisiveness about which to start first or later or various forms of unnecessary fear of failure.


However, in the right way, these problems cannot become a big obstacle in moving forward.



Italian economist

Vilfredo Pareto formulated the Pareto theory to explain the classification of economics.

He said that 20% of the exploiters have economic and power dominance over 80% of the population.

 The % here is very metaphorical.

It can be more or less.

Surprisingly, this 80%-20% rule is more applicable in life management.

The important 20% of all work will bring 80% of your success.

 The remaining 80% of the work is of low value, which will bring you a whopping 20% ​​of success.


It may be that all tasks take equal time.

 But not all tasks need to be considered equally important.

Prioritizing the 20% of tasks that are most useful for improving your job, business or life will ensure your success.

Unsuccessful people don't know when to do things according to their priorities.

Spending more labor on less important tasks yields little gain.


Another such method for working with priority focus is the ABCDE method.

A is the important work that must be done, otherwise there will be danger.

If there are more than one such work in hand, it will be A1, A2, A3 etc.

One should never proceed to B class work without completing these.

B are those things that should be done but not done will cause minor problems.

C is the work that is not good if not done well.


Financial or organizational capacity to outsource work,

You should never waste your time on them, they are Class D (Delegation) work. And some things we do out of habit, there is no special benefit,

These can be classified as E (elimination). This is the easiest way to do the work on time.


If you have to eat a frog, which frog should you eat first? - the one that is the ugliest, scariest or most unappetizing.

That is, if there are multiple important tasks of the same level, the most difficult and challenging should be started and finished first.


Before work we need to create the right environment. So that you don't have to rush for anything necessary during work.


 Daily work plan should be done before that day or in the morning at the beginning of the day.
There should be a list of possible obstacles.


Instead of starting all at once, one step at a time will yield the most results.


In the modern era, multi-tasking sounds appealing but results less.
You should work by setting your own deadlines or targets.


They are a habit.

If these kinds of habits are practiced for a long time, they accumulate in the memory of our neurons.


You don't have to list them later with difficulty, comes automatically.
That is, the good habits you cultivate are your success, the bad habits are the ladder of your failure.

The well-practiced practice of killing a cat or eating a frog at the right time will bring you success.

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