Think and Grow Rich Book by Napoleon Hill | Book review


“Think and Grow Rich”
-Book by Napoleon Hill


Think and Grow Rich Book by Napoleon Hill | Book review


Book Name: "
Think and Grow Rich "

Author: Napoleon Hill
Personal rating: 4.8/5 
Amazon Review: ‎
77,456 global Reviews.
Genre of Book: Non-fiction.




Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men of the 19th and 20th centuries.

One day a young journalist interviewed Mr.
Carnegie to hear his success story and secret formula of huge wealth.

He was impressed by the enthusiasm and knowledge of the journalist.
Mr. Carnegie gave the journalist a duty.

500 famous and wealthy people of that time should be
interviewed, from the information and knowledge obtained,
a formula for success should be made suitable for common people.

By analyzing the data obtained, the journalist wrote the best book of all time in this genre - Think and Grow Rich.


The writer Napoleon Hill did not stop interviewing the best 500
 people of his time, for twenty-five years he analyzed the
characteristics, success and failure of more than 25,000 people.

Interestingly, Mr. Hill doesn't define wealth by money alone.

By wealth he means
Political influence,
Spiritual gain,
Good health,
beautiful family life along with wealth.

In order to attain this wealth, he asked to acquire and attain
thirteen guans or characteristics step by step.

He didn't just talk about being an entrepreneur like modern motivational speakers.
They say, what can be done step by step to become a successful employee or worker, prepare yourself for the job market.

Besides telling us what to do, he also told us how to avoid certain things at what stage.
But not much is taught in the school college varsity in any country.

The characteristics of success have to be acquired through family, surrounding environment and self-effort.


By the first characteristic, he meant willpower.
But the main theme of the book revolves around controlling one's mind.

Self-directed mind power and hard work promise success.

You have to take responsibility for your success, failure, poverty, abundance.

And the sooner you start, the more time you will have.
Once the qualities of success are mastered, they become second nature to you, automatically ingrained in your system.

 You will come into a flow. Learn to accept your failure and start over.
But there is no such thing as too late to start, there is no chance of giving up under any circumstances.


According to the author's analysis, most people's big breakthroughs come in their 40s and 60s.
The earlier time goes into preparation, you will continue to gain personal ideas, experience and knowledge through trial-and-error.

It is difficult to go far alone.
A core group of competent master minds will facilitate your success.
They can be paid employees, friends or family members.

The book shows love, sex, healthy family life as an important factor and motivation behind the surprising success.


You have to build confidence in yourself by using strong will power.

Your imagination will have no room for failure, your formulas will be installed in the subconscious mind,
you will not have to do anything new with difficulty.
You will know that you will get riches, today or tomorrow.


Ø Humans have 6 basic fears.
These are:

Ø Fear of failure

Ø Fear of criticism,

Ø Fear of health risks,

Ø Fear of losing loved ones or their love,

Ø Fear of growing old and

Ø Fear of death.

These fears are not constant for everyone, it vary to person to person
Some fears can be accepted as normal and others can be conquered by the strength of your own mind, the strength of the strong sub-conscious mind fortress you have built.

The way you express your mind, the words you say to yourself, the way you align your desires, you are the future of you.




One of favorite quotes from Think and grow rich-

“You either control your mind, or it controls you.”



It's highly recommended, must read.

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