Sapiens-Brief history of humankind Book by Yuval Noah Harari | Book Review Book Summary


'Sapiens-A Brief History of Humankind'

Book Name: " Brief history of humankind "

Original title: קיצור תולדות האנושות


Sapiens-Brief history of humankind book review

Author: Yuval Noah Harari

Published:  2011

Personal rating: 4.5/5

Amazon Review: 64,894 global Reviews.

Genre of Book: Non-fiction


Brief history of humankind Book Summary:

Just as James Webb or the Hubble telescope has presented the vastness of the universe to us, "Yuval Noah Harari" in his famous book "Sapiens-A Brief History of Humankind" has presented to us the continuity of the creation and development of human civilization from the beginning of life on this earth to today. through


In a practical sense, this book is a mirror to today's mankind, testifying to the cruelty of the creation and development of today's Homo sapiens.

The discussion scope of the book is so much that the author has divided the book into different chapters to maintain the continuity of his writing.

The continuous evolution from Paleolithic primitive man to today's modern Homo sapiens.

He divided them into four parts: intellectual revolution, agricultural revolution, unity of mankind and scientific revolution.

As the discussion continues through various branches of biology, sociology, religion, philosophy, psychology, agriculture, politics, economics, trade, war, and the rise and fall of plants and animals are not accounted for here!


Born in this world about 450 million years ago

3800 million years ago, life was born and about 2.5 million years ago, the first man appeared.


But in addition to Homo sapiens, there were human species such as Homo erectus, Homo Neanderthal, Homo Rudolph's etc. in this world.

 But 30,000 years ago, sapiens killed all other primitive human groups and began to dominate the earth.


However, Homo Neanderthals were much more advanced and powerful than Homo sapiens.

But their advanced imagination,
their desire to spread globally,
their adaptability to discover new places and survive has set them apart from others and has kept them alive to this day.


In search of food and favorable environment,
it has spread all over the present world, from island to island and even from Indonesia to Australia.

Lives are staked to fight the battle of life.

And this is what made Homo unique from other tribes.


The author devotes an entire chapter to discussing science and the various ideologies associated with it.


 How Western nations have positioned themselves on the world stage using science and corporation theory;
The relationship between colonialism, capitalism, industrialization and the advertising and research funding of science is very well presented in this chapter.


Democracy, socialism, nationalism, capitalism etc.
have been termed as one faith or religion.
Similarly, companies, empires, financial systems - all are products of human collective imagination, the author says.


Besides all this, money is also a big myth.

A piece of paper. But it is worth so much because people believe it.

In the discussion of religion, he drew the conventional monotheistic, polytheistic and atheistic interpretations.



According to the author, this success of humans today is behind the conversion of man-made myths into beliefs and the ability to spread them among a large number of people.


Only a few hundred years ago there were no countries on earth. There was an empire then.

At that time, ethnic groups were identified by the names of empires such as Egyptian, Roman, Ottoman, British etc.


And now country-based, race-based nationalism.


And these myths are associated with different clans, countries, company-based myths and the history of turning these myths into beliefs and moving the society forward is the history of human civilization.



Professor Harari did not get tired after finishing the history.

He focuses on the present and the present in the future.

The development of civilization, medicine, education and war situation, even after so much development of humanity, people could not be happier than before, he explained theoretically and scientifically.


As a result of the use of biotechnology, humans are trying to multiply their powers, trying to gain immortality,

and Frankenstein's Gilgamesh Prophecy is not omitted to be discussed in that context.


The best part of this book that created a stir was the touch of history, the true history of the creation and evolution of the human race.


And the biggest criticism as a reader is to highlight the truth theory of history and research

The author has expressed a very personal opinion which differs from reader to reader can make.


But there is no denying that human beings

This book on the origin, evolution and expansion of the nation is definitely unique and readable.


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