Book Review - Good to Great By Jim Collins | Book Review Book Summary


‘Good to Great’

Good to Great

Originally published: October 16, 2001

Author: Jim Collins

Pages: 320

Genre: Non-fiction

Subject: Corporate strategy



Book Summary 'Good to Great' :

According to the author

If you are good at something and you don't have the will to become better, then you will never be good to great.


The author also says


Good is the Enemy of Great...


When we become good at something or when a company is great, the focus is not on what to do, but what to avoid.

The author analyzed the data of many companies to reveal the secret of their success and explained the essence of one word and that is Discipline, and because of this one direction, any company will one day become a great company.


Just because you spend a lot of time doing one thing doesn't mean you're getting too much done.

That means you are not the best at that job and if you are not then you cannot think of becoming the best.

 Culture and Discipline you must follow.
And technology will never make you great.
These are only tools, which will help in visionary work.


If a two-horse race is started, one horse will be the winner and the other horse will be a dark horse who will win the next races with hard work later on.

Entering the race does not necessarily mean winning,
which will prove you to be a fair and fair judge.
Sometimes a great leader makes the company a winner by losing himself.

Which acts as the key secret of the company.


Many people think that Luck plays a big role in the quick success of the company but according to the author,
there is no such thing as luck, calling your meal time Bad Luck is just an excuse.


It is important to first confirm where a bus will go,
whether the right person is sitting on the bus.
And a great person is a leader who selects very well,

and puts people on his team who are right because for them the leader adopts a different policy.
Neither plan can be implemented.


Every company must hire great people from other companies to be their best and motivating those people to work and firing lazy or unproductive people is not an easy task.

3 steps must be followed to do this in a productive way.

1. If there is a doubt about someone who is not going to be able to do a very effective job with him,
then it is necessary to wait a little before hiring another person very quickly because an effective person may already be created.


2. If one has to change, one has to act.


3. You will give your full effect to get the Biggest Opportunity or you will give your full effect to solve the problem.



A great leader must know how to balance official work and family time because spending great family time also helps a lot in achieving official targets.


For a company to be good to great, two things must be focused on,
first of all considering all the issues with reality and making all the decisions of the company to work with deep and freedom.

When someone is faced with a real problem, they have to make an instant decision.


Create a set of rules for how you want to do a task that will help make your work more effective.

Time and effect are very important to be great,
because there are many small steps that will surely help you become a great leader.


A great leader, however, works with a to-do list,
which gives him good output in a very short period of time,
because he knows very well that now not only hard work,
but time is limited, so he has to rely on smart work.


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