The one thing book | Self Help Book Review and summary

The ONE Thing
Book by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan

Pages: 246

Genre: Non-fiction, self-help

#The_One_Thing _By_Gary_Keller_&_Jay_Papasan


Self Help Book Review and summary

The one thing summary:

We all have 24 hours in a day.

During this period, no one can finish his daily work within these 24 hours, and no other person can finish that work.


Why some people have achieved their success in a short time while some people cannot sustain their existence despite hard work?

 By reading this book you can learn some steps to achieve your success

Which can be done in a short time.


According to the authors - One Thing means that we focus on only one task,

 Due to which thousands of people have reached the peak of success.

Spending all your time and energy doing that one thing and keeping yourself from doing anything else.

That one job that is so important to you is essential to fulfilling your dreams.


  Self Help Book Review and summary


For example, we all know Sachine Tendulkar,


Who has spent his entire life only playing cricket and developing himself further.

He would never have become Bharat Ratna if he had kept himself busy as a football or computer programmer besides playing cricket.


Due to the environment in which we grow up,

Many may dream of becoming a cricketer while watching cricket


When you go to a hospital, you dream of becoming a doctor, but have you ever asked yourself what you really want to be?

Or what work you want to do, and if you want to change the road constantly,

Then you will never reach your desired goal.


This book discusses the 80/20 principals,


Where 80% work output can be achieved by doing 20% ​​of work optimally, whereas 20% work output is not possible even by working hard (80%).


And if you specialize in just one job,

Then 80% work output is possible by doing 20% ​​work.


If a domino 2 inches tall is lined up with dominoes 1.5 times as tall, it will topple a domino as large as Mount Everest.

And the work began with just those two-inch dominoes.

The goals you are working on today,

That's your two-inch-tall domino and the whole thing is the domino

Your life has only one goal - purpose


For example

If your goal is,

In a year, you will write a book,

Then that is your one thought and based on that formula if you write one page every day then at the end of the year a book of 365 pages will be written.


There are many who do multitasking,

Because of which the person may be comforted by the fact that,

He will get a lot of output at a time which is actually completely wrong,

Due to this, you are wasting valuable time and moving away from the desired goal.


It is possible to achieve significant success beyond our willpower but not to sustain that success.

We get a lot of energy to work at the beginning of the day but that morning energy goes down a lot in the afternoon just like mobile battery charge.


If we use the energy we have in the morning and finish the hard and heavy tasks at the beginning of the day,

Work becomes much easier.

And by doing light work at other times, it is possible to finish important daily tasks.

And I feel light.


If you have a purpose in life,

And if you act accordingly, you will achieve your goals on time,

This goal will help you to use your precious time properly.

And if there is no goal then success is far away.

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