The Midnight Library Book by Matt Haig | THE ONLY WAY TO LEARN IS TO LIVE


Book Name: The Midnight Library
Author: Matt Haig

Published: August 13, 2020

Personal rating: 5/5

Genres: Science fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Philosophical fiction

The Midnight Library Book by Matt Haig | THE ONLY WAY TO LEARN IS TO LIVE

Book Review of Matt Haig book ‘The Midnight Library’

" T H E  M I D N I G H T  L I B R A R Y "

️mental health, depression, anxiety, suicide


Matt Haig wrote this novel so beautifully,
and naturally it was very apparent that he sprinkled some personal experiences,

here and there that made it very personal and easy to connect with.

for me it’s very important to connect with the author through their words on that extend and to the character.

 Nora expressed things and felt things that so many people can relate to,
I was captivated from the get going.

I would recommend this to anyone who is struggling with " waifs”, mental health, depression.

While reading this book i was gradually given small and big insight on how things can be dealt with and navigate different negative thoughts if not clearly, close enough.


I caught myself blinking back tears going through
the first chapters, seeing so much of myself
reflected in Nora.

in this work of Matt , The book tells the story of Nora,
a woman in her thirties, depressed, who lost her cat, her job… overwhelmed  by regrets ,
thoughts of missed opportunities, wrapped with an heavy blanket made of  ‘what ifs’ and endless guilt of hurting of the hurtful decisions she made that affected the people surrounding her.


One of the days had gone from bad to worse, like most of us sometimes but Nora convinced herself that the world would be better off without her in it and she decides to end her life.




Instead Nora finds herself in a library filled with books. Each book,
written is a life full of her possibilities and ‘what ifs’.  Imagine Somewhere out beyond reasons,

between life and death there’s a library with infinite chances to another life you could have lived,

different outcomes, choices that gives you clear comprehension of how things would be if you had made different choices…

Would you have done anything different?

If you had the chance to undo things,
your regret would you be satisfied with your life?


This novel helped me tackle questions of life, would my life really be better if I’d chosen differently? 
Am I really living the best version of my life?
And so many other questions…

Young Nora's life is filled with despair.
There is nothing good in life.
At one point he decided not to commit suicide.
Work according to plan.
But instead of the afterlife,
Nora reaches a library called the Midnight Library.
This is no ordinary library.

There are many books in this library.
And inside each book is the life of Nora's parallel universe.
Nora gets a chance to make up for any regrets she may have.
Fix any regrets and get a second chance at life.


Read the Midnight Library to find out what life Nora chooses and what happens next.


Opinion: The book will make you think about your own life.
And at the end of the book, like Nora, you can get many answers about your life.
In a word, you will get a wonderful feeling after reading the book.


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