Amazonia Book by James Rollins Book Review | BookReviews2day


Book Name: "Amazonia"

Author: James Rollins
Genre: Thriller, Adventure
Number of Pages: 414

Personal Rating: 9.8/10


James Rollins Book Review

Amazonia Book by James Rollins Book Review

'Amazon', the world's largest rain forest.
This forest is spread over an area of ​​7 million square kilometers.
This forest provides 20% of the total oxygen demand.
This forest is spread across 9 countries.
There are many places in the jungle of the Amazon where civilized people have not set foot even today.

We will talk about Amazonia Book by James Rollins 
Book Review

There is the fear of unknown death at every step,
there are strange plants, animals, birds, insects and the wild red Indians of the Amazon.

In this mysterious forest there is death as well as thousands of useful things.
Not found anywhere

The strangely beautiful novel 'Amazonia' by 'James Rollins' is about the mystery of this strangely beautiful Amazon forest.


📖 Story Summary:

One night in a small village in the Amazon in Brazil, a sick man Gerald Clarke suddenly appeared. Clark died that night despite the private treatment of the village priest. The investigation revealed that Clark is a former soldier of the Special Forces and a CIA agent. The news of his death shocked many people.

The first reason is that four years ago a group of explorers disappeared within a month of going to the Amazon.
Many have not been traced.

Gerald Clarke was a member of the expedition.

Where did he emerge after so many days?
Where are the other members?
Are they still alive?
What changes have they had to undergo??

The second reason is that when Clark went on the expedition four years ago,
he had only one hand.

But after eight years, he came back and saw two hands.
Yes, a real hand. His severed hand grew like a lizard's tail.
Fingerprint matching showed that it is really his hand.

How is it possible?
So are there any medicinal plants in the Amazon rainforest that can grow missing human limbs??

The third reason is that Clark's body was found to be full of unknown cancers in his postmortem.
Even worse, an unknown virus has spread throughout America,
including the places through which his body was brought.
People are getting affected, especially children.
And they are dying within two days even after receiving treatment.
Red alert has been announced in the whole country.

Where did this unknown virus come from?
What is the medicine for this virus available on Amazon??


The team was formed to start a new expedition to find the answer to the question.

There is no place for the weak in this terrifying jungle.
One of the members of the team and the hero of the story.
Nathan Rand, the head of the team that left four years ago.

Karl Rand's only son. Frank O'Brien, the head of the team,
is a CIA agent, and his twin sister Dr. Kelly O'Brien is an American doctor and also the heroine of the story.

Professor Cowie is a Red Indian Shaman (Ojha) and Nathan's friend.

Manuel is a biologist and Nathan's best friend,
along with his pet jaguar Tortor.
The team also has a few other civilian members and an armed team of eight Army Rangers.


The journey has begun, but Amazon is not as easy as it seemed.
New obstacles are coming at every step.
Members are dying from piranha attacks.
Everyone has to run with life in hand.

Until now I knew that piranha fish live in water,
but now it is seen that they are also attacking Danga by jumping like frogs.

How strange!!!

The more the party goes forward, the more the danger increases.
The attack happened again, this time the sky was covered with unusually large locusts.

A ranger died while trying to save others.
While crossing the lake, a hundred feet long monster-shaped crocodile attacked.
Can the shape of the crocodile be so big?
Maybe if the place is Amazon forest!!!

It was known that behind these attacks is a tribe named Blood Jaguar.
The village of the tribe is guarded by a group of jaguars.
They are painting the face of Ban Ali, which brings death.

What is this Ban Alley?
What everyone is dying for??


Enemies are not only Ban Alley or strange creatures, there are more enemies behind.
Dr. Louis Favre and his team ball.
Their purpose is to take away what they discover and destroy them.
Another purpose is revenge.
Louis Favre's greatest enemy was Carl Rand.
He seeks revenge by killing his son Nathan Rand.

Meanwhile, when the explorers are being attacked one by one in the Amazon,
on the other hand, people are being infected one by one by the unknown virus spread from the body
of Gerald Clark.

The number of victims is increasing with the speed of the storm.
No one can be saved. Kelly O'Brien's only daughter has been affected.

To save them, we must first save ourselves.
A cure for the virus must be found. Gerald Clarke's thorny hands have grown in application.

They have to face many more unknown mysteries.
They have to pass through many more inaccessible forests.

Will they find the antidote to the virus?
Can they survive and bring it home?
Can they save the lives of so many people??

If you want to know, you also have to join this remote expedition of Amazon.
You have to cross dangerous rivers, jungles.
You have to fight with all unknown enemies.

Then come to this Amazonia without delay,,,,,,!!


Reasons to be the best for me:

Thriller novels have always been my favorite.
And if that book is about an expedition to retrieve a lost treasure from four thousand years ago,
then no one can sit at home.
Can't say if I can find the treasure, I can get some share too.

In Wilbur Smith's novel, the images, nature, and mystery of Africa are always very beautiful.
And the ancient history comes alive.
Whether you are a thriller lover or a history lover,
you will love Wilbur Smith's novels about ancient Egypt.


Cons of the book:

The only downside to the book is the spelling mistakes.
In the first half, there was no visible spelling mistake,
but in the last half, there were many noticeable spelling mistakes.
It is not the writer's or translator's mistake.
The mistake is the publisher's typing mistake.
They need to be more careful.
Hopefully the next version will fix the mistakes.


Best Character:

Being a big book, the number of characters is also large.
But I like Dr. Rowen Al Sima the most.
She doesn't break down even after seeing her husband killed,
keeps her promise to her husband even after repeated attempts to kill her.
Takes revenge for killing her husband.
Jumping into danger without fear of death. Educated in Western education,
but not proud of Egypt's culture, traditions,
love his country, risk his life for the country.

I like Nicholas too.
I like him because of his qualities of determination, discretion, caution,
ability to lead, jumping into danger of others, attitude of fighting no bones,
working in order, showing respect to women.


If you also want to find the tomb of Mamos,
then come with us.
Everyone will be given a share of the treasure,
no one will go empty handed.
Believe that there are tons of treasures hidden in the tombs that you can't even imagine.
And the fun of solving the tighter puzzles is free.

Amazonia Book by James Rollins Book Review

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