The Diary of Anne Frank Book Review | the diary of Anne frank book review essay


Book Name: The Diary of Anne Frank

Originally published: June 25, 1947

Author: Anne Frank
Original language: Dutch
Subject: World War II; Nazi occupation of the Netherlands
Translator: B. M. Mooyaart-Doubleday
Genres: Biography, Autobiography, Personal narrative, Jewish literature

Personal rating: 5/5

The Diary of Anne Frank Book Review

The Diary of Anne Frank Book Review |

The Diary of Anne Frank Book Review:

Adolescence is a very important time in all of our lives.
During this time we learn to understand ourselves,
learn to understand the people around,
learn to understand the environment.

But what if we were stuck in this beautiful colorful time?
How would life be if we were stuck for months?


Bringing life captive to the horrors of World War II.
Those who think that this book contains only history or boring information about war,
they are completely wrong.
In the book,
you will get a taste of prisoner life as well as various aspects of family life,
teenage girl's attitude and deep philosophy about life.

In some pages of the book, the reader will find teenage Anna.
In some pages, you will see deep philosophical Anna.
Although this diary of Anne Frank was written almost 100 years ago in a different country,

at a different time, the reader will find himself in the various problems and situations, attitudes, etc.
of Anne's life.

The Diary of Anne Frank Book Review

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