The Prince book by : Winners are Gods, losers are sinners


The Prince
Book by Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince book by : Winners are Gods, losers are sinners 

Book Review of Niccolo Machiaveli book the prince:

His words were still new, still timeless—and strange.

Contemporary times have seen a fragmented Italy under weak, spineless and powerless rulers, ravaged by foreign powers.


The power of the Church and the Pope.
The feudal states could not maintain their sovereignty due to their control and interference.


On the other hand, they also could not unite Italy and protect the people

And to provide a better life.

By looking at these, conventional religious good and bad, society,


Going beyond ethics, Machiavelli, an experienced bureaucrat and diplomat, sought to create a model of a strong ruler.


Created by analyzing the character of successful and failed statesmen of history and contemporary times

This character of the ruler is a state even if religion, society, ethics do not allow it

Mastermind thoughts for those times to rule with a strong hand,


Relevant enough for the present.



Author described about state structure in this book 'The prince book'


Machiavelli described different types of government structures.

The means of seizing power and governing a state is said to be,

Mentioned how the character of the ruler should be.

However, this discussion is only relevant for the present time

Special emphasis will be placed on



 ‘’A ruler does not need to be a sage like a sage.”

The only measure of his success and work is the preservation of the interests of the state.



Idealism and righteousness divorced from reality lead to destruction.

The ruler will stay away from vices, so that he does not become infamous.

But any wrongdoing for the needs of the state is justifiable for the ruler.

Many have lost power by doing good deeds, and ruled for a long time by engaging in various kinds of immorality.


So, the ruler is better to the people and others than being good to himself.

It is more effective to pretend to be fair, honest, humane.




As a ruler, it is unnecessary to give everything freely.

Extra philanthropy increases the public's tax burden, as much as charity does for reputation

Can be done as needed.

Generosity makes few people happy.


A miserly ruler is more acceptable than this.

Excessive mercy or magnanimity is unnecessary, it increases anarchy.


People are dishonest, deceitful, opportunistic, liars, ungrateful and selfish.


Will increase the demand by mistaking greatness for weakness,

If he gets a chance again, he will put it in danger or run away in danger.

But, one who fears can never think of harm.



People leave the ties of loved ones for petty interests,

Again, fearing punishment, he tramples the enemy and tightens the bond.



There is no such thing as a ruler being hated only if he is scary.

But at all levels, rulers should not expropriate citizens' property and neglect or force their women.

They instill hatred of the citizens towards the ruler

And gives conspirators a chance to grow stronger.

So, whether the ruler is loved or not, fear must be created.



Cruelty and harshness towards enemies not only destroys enemies,

Rather, it is a warning to the people within themselves.

They cower in fear and do not dare to make any kind of conspiracy later.


One should never strike the enemy weakly,

Rather, if necessary, he must be rooted out.

It is very important how the people see the ruler.

Machiavelli tells the Prince to be as cunning as a jackal and as brave and fearsome as a lion.


Promises can be broken if necessary.

But as a reason, a sadhu-general explanation has to be put forward,

So that the people cannot directly call the ruler a cheater.



A statesman must be wise.

It is necessary to know the reasons for various histories and the rise and fall of various states and their victories.

He will go to Mrigaya.

Through this, you will get a direct understanding of the geographical environment of the state.

which would facilitate him to later win the war or rule the kingdom.




Machiavelli was a supporter of capitalism.

According to him, citizens should create a good business environment.

As a result, on the one hand, the treasury will be rich and the subjects will be happy and grateful to the ruler.

If the subjects are happy, internal and external conspirators will be weak.



All the human qualities that are admirable and desirable to others are not bound to be present in the ruler.

 But should be displayed and promoted, branding of good qualities should be done.

He will assume as and when required.


Everyone wants to be feared and loved at the same time.

People will know him as personable, kind, trustworthy, pious and compassionate.

He will be above hatred and sorrow.

Avoid cowardice, restlessness, timidity, timidity and charm.



He will project an image of courage and strength and ensure severe punishment if he does not act according to his orders.

A ruler will be prepared to deal with internal conspiracies,

At the same time there will be foreign allies.

Akuna will support allies if necessary. An ideal ruler does not unduly disturb the aristocracy within the country,

Rather, he kept both the elite and common classes happy.


His bureaucrats did not care about the financial problems of the soldiers, but in return received their utmost loyalty.


A far-sighted ruler without keeping all harshness or punishment to himself some judiciary, law enforcement,

Handed over to government bureaucrats or aristocracy.

Then people cannot blame him directly.

If necessary, make two of them sacrifices to please the people,

And he remains as the focal point of everyone's hope.

If necessary, he will seek advice from his trusted experienced loved ones.

But don't take all the advice into account.

Ignore unsolicited advice, never depend on anyone's advice.

Listen to the compliments but don't take them to heart.


Machiavelli's ideas are vast in scope.
But to express his philosophy in one word, one of his sentences can be used -
The end justifies the means.

The closest and most relevant translation I have found is,

"Winners are Gods, losers are sinners".


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